What We Offer

Ebooks and Audios

We offer so many ways to be entertained and informed:
44 Axis360 black1
 Axis 360 is our newest way to find ebooks and audios, by category. 
 Overdrive is a great source for ebooks and audios. You can use it on your kindle, or the kindle or Libby app on a mobile device. 
 hooplaBorrow movies, music, e-books and more, instantly and free. No waiting, no holds ever. Have your Willingboro Public Library card ready and go to  https://www.hoopladigital.com. Ask for more information at any public service desk.

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220 Willingboro Parkway
Willingboro Town Center
Willingboro, NJ 08046

609.877.6250 public fax (fee);
609.835.1699 library fax
(library business only)