Support Your Library

Willingboro Public Library gladly accepts donations of used books in good condition. Those we cannot use may be sold or given to charity. Please bring used books in boxes or bags to the orange double doors at the rear of the library between 9-5 on weekdays and ring the doorbell, or call ahead (609-877-6668) to have someone meet you there.

We would appreciate it if the following items were not donated: encyclopedias, Reader’s Digest Condensed Books, magazines or pamplets, audiovisual materials or anything stained or moldy. Thank you,

  Willingboro Public Library gladly accepts volunteers in the following capacities:
  • Regular volunteers adhering to fixed schedules.
  • Occasional volunteers giving short term help.
  • Students, scouts, or other organizational members fulfilling community service requirements.
  • Special projects volunteers with, for example, art, gardening or technology skills, as approved by the library director.
  • On a case-by-case basis, non-violent offenders doing court-ordered community service who are referred by court personnel.


Volunteers may be assigned to the following tasks:

  • Shelving books and library materials.
  • Reading shelves.
  • Labeling, stamping, copying, collating, filing, or otherwise preparing library materials.
  • Other clerical tasks as necessary
  • Assisting professional librarians with programming.
  • Presenting programs under the supervision of a professional librarian.
  • Volunteers who perform the duties of a professional librarian must have an MLS or equivalent education or training.


Volunteers may be given assignments by:

  • The library director or assistant director.
  • The head of reference, the A/YA librarian, the children's librarian.
  • The head of circulation.
  • Another staff member as delegated by one of the above.


Volunteers may express a preference as to the type of assignment or department they will be assigned to, however library needs will take precedence.


Volunteers who come into contact with library records or personal information of library customers will be selectively assigned and closely monitored by library supervisors and are subject to the same confidentiality laws as library staff members.


Adopted 9/04

Revised 7/05

If you would like to support Willingboro Public Library by contributing your time and skills, please fill out this application, and return it via email or mail to Assistant Director, Willingboro Public Library, 220 Willingboro Pkwy, Willingboro NJ 08046. Thank you.

amazonsmileLove online shopping? Go to and select the Friends of the Willingboro Public Library as your charity to support. Then make purchases at The Friends of the Library will get a share!

The citizens of Willingboro demonstrated their love and support of the municipal library when a public hearing was held to discuss the library becoming a part of the county system. At this November 1995 hearing, residents reaffirmed their support of an independent library. Out of this discussion, the Friends of the Library was born and in March 1996 they held their first general meeting.

The Friends currently meet quarterly at the library. Please join them with your financial support, volunteer hours and ideas.


Current Friends Officers:

K. Fairchild, President

Mattie Mallory, Vice President

Shirley Kendall, Treasurer

Carol Fitzpatrick, Secretary


  E-mail the Friends of the Library

Leave a message for the Friends at 609-877-6668, extension 248

Thank you, volunteers!

 Friends Newsletter

How you can help

 Children's Corner

Friends' Mission and Vision Statements

Membership brochure

Renew your membership

Thank you, Friends.





Follow Us

Contact Us!

220 Willingboro Parkway
Willingboro Town Center
Willingboro, NJ 08046

609.877.6250 public fax (fee);
609.835.1699 library fax
(library business only)