Events Calendar

JDnSilky's Prints/Craft Exhibit
Tuesday 19 September 2023, 09:30am
Come see an exhibit of original works of art and novels by JDnSilky during the month of September! Exhibit items include acrylic paintings by Silky on canvas, image prints of acrylic paintings by Silky, JDnSilky's original artwork printed on apparel, masks, mugs, caps, and tote bags, painted wooden items, JD's comic books and Silky's novels. 
Be sure to also come to some of the free sessions being offered in addition to the exhibit, including comic book readings, book signings, American Sign Language classes, touch typing class, cursive writing class, Traditional Chinese Character writing class, and a storybook writing class. All sessions are free of charge, so please ask someone at the reference desk for more information and to sign up!

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Willingboro Town Center
Willingboro, NJ 08046

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