Board of Library Trustees
The Board of Library Trustees is comprised of members of the community. Five (5) members are appointed by the Mayor.There is a total of seven members on the board, including a representative of the Superintendent of Schools and a representative of the Township Manager. Each serves a five year term and may be re-appointed indefinitely. The board operates within a set of by-laws; Trustees meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., with the exception of the month of August. All meetings are held via Zoom, except for the January meeting, which is held in the Trustees' board room located at the rear of the library. The Zoom login information is posted on the library website, along with that month's meeting agenda. The trustees comply with the Open Public Meetings Act. Notice of meetings are posted as required. All meetings are open to the public.
Current Members
Pat Lindsay-Harvey, President
Angelita Martinez, Treasurer
Dr. Corvena Francis-Denton, Secretary
Valerie Clay
Stephanie Nock
Dr. Malcolm X. Outlaw, Superintendent of Schools
Dwayne Harris, Township Manager
Dr. Tiffani Worthy, Deputy Mayor