If you want to renew books or other borrowed items, have your library card barcode and PIN (usually the last 4 digits of your phone number) handy. Click here to access our catalog. Then click on My Account to sign in. When you're done, you can click on the Search tab to find more stuff to take out!
Ready Set Game every Mondays and Thursdays @ 4 pm. Bring a friend or play alone.
We offer so many ways to be entertained and informed:
Axis 360 is our newest way to find ebooks and audios, by category.
Overdrive is a great source for ebooks and audios. You can use it on your kindle, or the kindle or Libby app on a mobile device.
Borrow movies, music, e-books and more, instantly and free. No waiting, no holds ever. Have your Willingboro Public Library card ready and go to https://www.hoopladigital.com. Ask for more information at any public service desk.